Ja sverige gick som vanligt och dog i EM men kunde inte bry mig mindre. Istället bryr jag mig desto mer att FRA lagen blev framröstad. Nu mina kära vänner befinner vi oss i en stat som kör efter "skyldig tills motsatsen är bevisad".
Allting ni gör på internet, skriver om i bloggar, i mail, sms:ar eller pratar om i telefon övervakas 24/7, spelar ingen roll om ni har rent mjöl i påsen eller inte. Allting analyseras och övervakas.
Mängden sätt detta kan missbrukas på är oändligt och jävligt skrämmande. Och det kommer att missbrukas, det har redan missbrukats då det var olagligt, gissa vad som händer när det blir lagligt?
Ordet Privatliv kan ni begrava.
Allright, varför gör man då en sådan lag? Jo enligt regeringen för att hålla koll på yttre hot mot sverige, men vad folk inte förstår är att detta har noll verkan mot slipade kriminella på lång sikt. Det är barnsligt enkelt att kryptera sin datortrafik och så kommer ske i kriminella grupper.
Så dom enda regeringen kommer kunna hålla koll på är DIG, vanliga svenssons som inte har gjort något värre än att skriva ett skämt till en polare, laddat ner en låt, blivit förbannad på regeringen och kanske skrivit något skämtsamt men ändå hotfullt, ja mängen konversationer som kan misstolkas är oändliga.
Vill du att reinfeldt o Co har koll på dina sexuella preferenser, dina intressen och hobbies, dina skelett i garderoben, ja i stort sett allting du gillar/ogillar eller har någon åsikt om. Vet inte hur du tycker men tycker inte el jeffe ska veta vilken typ av porr jag gillar eller vilka inköp tjejen sms:ade att jag skulle köpa med hem.
onsdag, juni 18
lördag, maj 24
Världens Baksmälla
Fy fan vilken kul dag, sprang runt i köpenhamn hela dagen/kvällen igår, massvis med öl och karuseller. Helt underbart väder och trevligt sällskap. Lika trevligt var det inte på natten när man fick reda på att någon spytt ner hela vårt kök utan att torka upp. Har mina aningar om vem det var. (vi har gäster hemma nu och alla var ganska tankade)
Örk kommer aldrig se på det köket på samma sätt. JA jag har stora problem med kräk, flippar totalt när jag ser/hör/luktar skiten.
Nåväl idag är jag helt slut, bakis som fan, komplett med frossa, yrsel och smått illamående. Kul att man jobbar idag också.
Örk kommer aldrig se på det köket på samma sätt. JA jag har stora problem med kräk, flippar totalt när jag ser/hör/luktar skiten.
Nåväl idag är jag helt slut, bakis som fan, komplett med frossa, yrsel och smått illamående. Kul att man jobbar idag också.
måndag, maj 19
söndag, maj 18
Age of conan
Woot, level 22 på min barbarian nu. Vilket spel, helt sjukt bra. Går inte att beskrivas, måste upplevas.
Min dödslista soo far:
Johan på jobb (LÄR DIG LÄSA)
Min dödslista soo far:
Johan på jobb (LÄR DIG LÄSA)
fredag, maj 16
Jättebra ide
Istället för att hålla OS i kina så borde alla deltagarna åka och agera hjälp och stöd till dom jordbävningsdrabbade. Alla pengar som används för OS kan ju användas för återuppbyggnad istället. Tycker jag känns logiskt och humant men det lär ju aldrig hända.
Likadant fotbolls em, skit i det, dra ner till burma istället som unifierad värld och visa var skåpet ska stå. Kan ta Nordkorea också på samma gång
Likadant fotbolls em, skit i det, dra ner till burma istället som unifierad värld och visa var skåpet ska stå. Kan ta Nordkorea också på samma gång
onsdag, maj 14
tisdag, maj 13
Fan vad sugen jag är
Känner mig som en junkie som letar efter nästa fix. Bara tre dagar kvar, TRE DAGARS HELVETE!!! Ja ja jag vet att det är patetiskt etc etc men jag skiter i vilket.
Tuttar, svärd, halshuggningar, borgar. Vad mer kan man begära?
Tuttar, svärd, halshuggningar, borgar. Vad mer kan man begära?
måndag, maj 12
lördag, maj 10
Coolaste skärbrädan
fredag, maj 9
And we have NIPPLES!!!
torsdag, maj 8
Min polare Magnus driver ett spelforum vid namn www.skrivbordsgeneralen.se, ett litet mognare forum med strikta regler och bra upplägg. Dock behöver sidan promotas lite så sagt och gjort vi drog oss ut på stan och smackade upp ett gäng propaganda på allehanda annonsplatser. Riktigt kul måste jag säga, hoppas nu bara det ger ett bra gensvar.
onsdag, maj 7
Uppgraderat kameran
tisdag, maj 6
Vad fan är detta? Ett ungdomsgäng får 1års sluten ungdomsvård för att dom brutalt misshandlade en ung kille till döds. 1år!! Det är ingenting i mina ögon. När fem killar misshandlar en enskild person till döds så borde dom spendera resten av sina liv i övervakat tillstånd. Inte direkt några barn vi snackar om utan killar i 16års åldern.
1år kommer inte sända några signaler utan snarare ett ok från samhället att det inte så farligt att ta någons liv. Stackars små pojkar, dom har inte det lätt dom små liven.
Tycker det är dags att vi svenskar vågar visa lite kulor och säga ifrån att vi tolererar inte det i vårt samhälle.
Förutom ungdomarna så borde deras föräldrar också få ett straff. Säkerligen deras fel i längden att deras "barn" beter sig så. Går man nu på linjen att 16åringar fortfarande är unga och inte kan dömas ja då får man gå vidare till föräldrarna. Det kanske sänder lite mer tydliga signaler så sånt skit slipper hända igen.
Fan jag börjar bli så jävla trött på vårt samhälle med allt skit som händer men det värsta är att ingenting händer. Bara en tafatt attityd om att det är synd om brottslingar och att dom behöver hjälp.
Nej jag hävdar fortfarande att göra om gotland till en fängelseö är det bästa alternativet så kan patrasket bo där så jag slipper beblanda mig med dom :p
Ps. Jag hatar fortfarande Leif Silbersky, detta äckliga lilla kryp till människa Ds
Fan då var denna kvällen förstörd, man kanske borde gå i dvala som majoriteten av svenska folket så slipper man bry sig och kan sova bättre.
1år kommer inte sända några signaler utan snarare ett ok från samhället att det inte så farligt att ta någons liv. Stackars små pojkar, dom har inte det lätt dom små liven.
Tycker det är dags att vi svenskar vågar visa lite kulor och säga ifrån att vi tolererar inte det i vårt samhälle.
Förutom ungdomarna så borde deras föräldrar också få ett straff. Säkerligen deras fel i längden att deras "barn" beter sig så. Går man nu på linjen att 16åringar fortfarande är unga och inte kan dömas ja då får man gå vidare till föräldrarna. Det kanske sänder lite mer tydliga signaler så sånt skit slipper hända igen.
Fan jag börjar bli så jävla trött på vårt samhälle med allt skit som händer men det värsta är att ingenting händer. Bara en tafatt attityd om att det är synd om brottslingar och att dom behöver hjälp.
Nej jag hävdar fortfarande att göra om gotland till en fängelseö är det bästa alternativet så kan patrasket bo där så jag slipper beblanda mig med dom :p
Ps. Jag hatar fortfarande Leif Silbersky, detta äckliga lilla kryp till människa Ds
Fan då var denna kvällen förstörd, man kanske borde gå i dvala som majoriteten av svenska folket så slipper man bry sig och kan sova bättre.
Bästa tv-serierna
Äsch får fixa en tv-serie lista också
- Firefly
- Stargate SG1
- Stargate Atlantis
- Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
- Life
- Jericho
- Dexter
- Reaper
- House
- Burn Notice
- Two and a half men
- Band of brothers
- Rome
- John Adams
- Dirty Sexy Money
måndag, maj 5
Ja här kommer en lista
Blev inspirerad av Andrev Bergströms blogg på aftonbladet. Han gjorde något så modigt som att publicera sin topp 100 filmlista. Här kommer min topp 40 iaf
- Mallrats
- True Romance (Val Kilmer som Elvis är oslagbar)
- Raiders of the lost ark
- Cubic
- Doomsday
- Empire strikes back
- Dawn of the dead (remake)
- Army of darkness
- Alien Vs Predator (ja jag gillade faktiskt den och även tvåan)
- Terminator II
- Godfather part 2
- Örnnästet
- Serenity (Firefly äger hårt)
- The longest day
- Clerks
- Clerks 2 (japp, stort Kevin Smith fan)
- Matrix (dom skulle bara gjort en)
- Shawshank redemption
- Saving Private Ryan
- The Goonies (Jag är ganska sentimental)
- Almost Famous
- Jaws
- Batman Begins
- Iron Man
- Scarface
- Pitch Black
- Längsta Färden
- Big Lebowski (mmm sugen på en white russian nu)
- A bridge too far
- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
- Waynes World
- Chinatown
- Big Trouble in little china
- Aliens
- Der Untergang
- Blade Runner
- Platoon
- Shaun of the dead
- Life of Bwian
- No Country for old men
- Red Dawn (inte för att den är bra men har ett visst värde)
- Die Hard (glömde denna innan och ska egentligen hamna längre upp men pallar inte dona)
- Fellowship of the Ring
- Return of the Jedi
- Snilleskolan
- Austin Powers
- Wargames (ahh nördminnen från en svunnen tid)
- Ski School 2
- Into the wild
- Disneys Robin Hood (på svenska)
- Spaceballs (jawohl herr lord helmet)
Fy fan, det var fan inte lätt. Miljoner med filmer som man sett känns det som. Too be continued...
söndag, maj 4
Soo im changing the language too swedish since well im too lazy too translate. Gonna make another blog thats in english. Just gonna come up with something first
I love this weather
lördag, maj 3
Iron Man

Soo i just saw Iron Man, If you want too brand a movie "Mattias Approved" then Iron Man is your Blueprint of what a movie needs too be too get approved. Im kinda amazed and in a good way.
The movie have a feeling throughout that i really like. Fast paced but not too fast, amazing special effects but not too much, Humor too my liking, Gadgets and pew pews. I cant really demand more.
Important too remember is that this is the first Iron Man movie and has alot too explain, usually they rush trough it too get too the action but iron man takes its time. Im sure some of the younger viewers think its slow but the older generation (us thats 30+) are going too love it.
Im wishing for more Iron Man movies and im sure its gonna be a whole series.
I gotta say that i love Robert Downey jr in this, cant think of anybody else that can do a better Stark
Rating: 9,5/10
fredag, maj 2
Nobel Prize Candidate?
Age Of Conan Closed Beta
Wee thank you funcom, just got a mail getting invited too the closed beta of age of conan. Launch of closed beta is tonight at 18.00, good too have an account of my own and not having too use a friends.
torsdag, maj 1

Last night i saw one of the coolest movies ever. Imagine a mix of Mad Max, 28 Days Later, Resident Evil, LOTR and Braveheart. Lots of gore, action and abit of comedy.
Plague, death, gore, nudity, firearms, tanks, swords, decapitations, Bentley, cannibalism, Evil government.
Ill give it a rating of 9/10 soo see it
onsdag, april 30
Is it weird?

Im getting serious wanna-have issues with this bag
It feels kinda "gay" too like a bag.Jokes aside, im getting tired as hell on my eastpack bag, its been faithful and been with me around the world but now its time too move forward.
Anyways the bag i found at www.junkyard.se Loots of cool stuff there
tisdag, april 29
Almost did a "misstake"

Pwetty pwease honey bunny, with sugar on top?
söndag, april 27
Wonderfull walk
I was just out being healthy, i took a looong walk in this beutiful weather, damn its summer outside. Went downtown observing people softing outside at cafes and pubs, having a beer and whatnot, everybody in a good mood. Thank god that spring has come. This is something i have too do more often, sure i walk alot but thats in a forrest, this is another feeling, more urban he he.
A nice saturday
Woke up and looked outside, beutiful weather. Took a long nice shower then we went too the in-laws where is switched too summer tires on the car. Its usually a pain but the weather made it a delight. From there we went too the gas station where a very nice guy helped me switch windshield wipers, that set the tone for the rest of the day, i had almost given up on humanity :)
Well off too dads place for some nice barbeque, damn i wish we had a balcony. Good food and good company and a good evening with sis and her family.
Saturday and the news that helen gets the job has made this weekend the best one in a looong time
Well off too dads place for some nice barbeque, damn i wish we had a balcony. Good food and good company and a good evening with sis and her family.
Saturday and the news that helen gets the job has made this weekend the best one in a looong time
torsdag, april 24
onsdag, april 23
Somewhat depressed
Hmm strange feeling this week, feel kinda supressed and tired. Nothing seems really fun or exiting. I dunno tbqh, maybe its nothing and i like feeling sorry for myself. I think i need a vacation.
Bah screw it, im going too bed. Maybe i feel better tomorrow.
Bah screw it, im going too bed. Maybe i feel better tomorrow.
måndag, april 21
30th Birthday
Yay soo im 30. YAY or something. I think other people are giving this more thought than i do.
Arent u gonna have a party? Yes a barbecue in the summer
Youre working on your birthday? Yeah i dont wanna loose money
Soo how does it feel turning 30? Same as yesterday too be honest
Maybe i should get one of thoose crisis. Maybe buy a porsche, get hair implants and hang around in 20´s bars. But that doesent really feel thirtyish, more like fourteenish.
Nah my biggest worry right now is the dentist tomorrow, i cant help it, i really REALLY hate the dentist. Thank god that helen has thoose happypills :D
Oh and Firefly rocks kkthxbye
Arent u gonna have a party? Yes a barbecue in the summer
Youre working on your birthday? Yeah i dont wanna loose money
Soo how does it feel turning 30? Same as yesterday too be honest
Maybe i should get one of thoose crisis. Maybe buy a porsche, get hair implants and hang around in 20´s bars. But that doesent really feel thirtyish, more like fourteenish.
Nah my biggest worry right now is the dentist tomorrow, i cant help it, i really REALLY hate the dentist. Thank god that helen has thoose happypills :D
Oh and Firefly rocks kkthxbye
lördag, april 19
And the slime comes crawling
I was just waiting for it, leif silbersky got a whif of some more media attention and crawled out from under his slimy rock too defend the rapist and child molester anders eklund. I cant decide who despise more since both are thriving on other peoples missfortune and grief.
If you dont know, anders eklund was the maggot PoS that killed a 10year old girl named Engla.
Just too make it clear, i have nothing against the swedish legal system, i just find it disturbing that as soon some crime reaches the headlines leif silbersky comes crawling for more fortune and fame. He even has the nerve too basically say its a dirty job but someone needs to do it.
If you dont know, anders eklund was the maggot PoS that killed a 10year old girl named Engla.
Just too make it clear, i have nothing against the swedish legal system, i just find it disturbing that as soon some crime reaches the headlines leif silbersky comes crawling for more fortune and fame. He even has the nerve too basically say its a dirty job but someone needs to do it.
fredag, april 18
onsdag, april 16
Ode too Microsoft
Im hereby expressing my feelings for microsoft and windows. Thank you for developing a patch that takes 2hours too install. Thank you MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE PIECE OF SHIT BIN LADIN FUCKFACE RETARDS. This is gonna make my job a WHOLE lot more difficult and provide me with annoying retarded costumer questions. How can you deploy an update that takes longer too install than the operating system itself?
Well i have yet too try the update and see what miracles it provides. Hopefully its gonna be godlike and provide servicefree computers for my costumers but thats not bloody likely........
"Hi i would like too buy that shotgun and map over Medina, you dont happen too have bill gates precise adress?"
Im hereby expressing my feelings for microsoft and windows. Thank you for developing a patch that takes 2hours too install. Thank you MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE PIECE OF SHIT BIN LADIN FUCKFACE RETARDS. This is gonna make my job a WHOLE lot more difficult and provide me with annoying retarded costumer questions. How can you deploy an update that takes longer too install than the operating system itself?
Well i have yet too try the update and see what miracles it provides. Hopefully its gonna be godlike and provide servicefree computers for my costumers but thats not bloody likely........
"Hi i would like too buy that shotgun and map over Medina, you dont happen too have bill gates precise adress?"
tisdag, april 15
What i want for 30th birthday present?

Samsung Syncmaster 2263DX Dual Display
Give a bump to your productivity with the Samsung Syncmaster 2263DX Dual Display($550). The 22-inch LCD display comes with an extra 7-inch screen that can be attached to any side or used by itself on your desk. The 2263DX sports a 1680 x 1050 resolution (800 x 480 for 7" screen), a 1000:1 contrast ratio (400:1 for 7" screen), built-in webcam, down-firing speakers and microphone, UbiSync USB, and HDMI 1.3.
Yeah soo i stole the text from uncrate.com but only cause its easy :p Cant really see the point of this screen but its cool
måndag, april 14
Moron of the day

Soo this nimwhit thought he could buy an expensive watch in the states with the dollar being soo cheap. What he didnt think of was taxes, of course you need too pay taxes. When the border dude asked if he had something too declare and pay tax for the moron lied. Soo he had too pay taxes and a fine for lying. Now the pooooor man is going out in the papers declaring he feels robbed. Come on man, take it like a man and stop whining. You tried and you failed, end of story, better luck next time but stop the crying like a little girl in the papers.
söndag, april 13
I feel sorry for myself

Head pounding, body shivering, cant focus, naseus. Jupp here we go with the mother of all hangovers. Fun night though i must say, terrible food but entertainment at wallmans was superb. My kind of music especially the blues brothers medley. Im not kidding, the performers was really topnotch. I was expecting some wannabe singers but damn they had voices.
And about the food? Well it was tasty but way too little on the plates, i get more food at the supermarket samplings.
But as i said last time, im never drinking ever again :p
lördag, april 12
Time for P A R T Y
Soo im off with work for a night out, hopefully its gonna be kickass. Lots of drinks, dancing n shit. See yas
fredag, april 11
New camera
torsdag, april 10
Day of the Berzerker
Jesus FUCKING christ, a whole day with nothing but total nutjobs at work. Long time since a day where basically every customer is a complete retard. That combined with fraud and loudmouth costumers have put me in a "special" mood.
Im thinking Grand theft auto, im thinking Falling Down, Im thinking sam peckinpah, clint eastwood and john wayne. I would say columbine but i think its abit over the top and not ripe for joking with yet.
I picture myself as John Maclane and the costumers being german terrorist.......Hmm where did i put that machinegun :p :p :p
Im thinking Grand theft auto, im thinking Falling Down, Im thinking sam peckinpah, clint eastwood and john wayne. I would say columbine but i think its abit over the top and not ripe for joking with yet.
I picture myself as John Maclane and the costumers being german terrorist.......Hmm where did i put that machinegun :p :p :p
måndag, april 7
No more mr torch

Just got the news that the olympic flame has been extinguished. Theres a small voice inside of me going "hi hi hi hi hi"
Not only the tibet issue but the constant pissing on human rights is why i have a problem with china.
People say that athletics and politics shouldnt be mixed, all i can say is wake up and smell the coffee. The olympics right now is nothing more than a propaganda machine too show how great china is. That IOK even gave them the olympics in the first place is a huge FUCK YOU too human rights.
I got the utmost respect for the people taking a side against china or any morality issue for that matter
Favourite comic

This site always cracks me up but i guess you have too be a wow player
And there is Ctrl-Alt-Del
Good for spending time at work :D
Greatest invention in 100years or atleast 1year
söndag, april 6
Just watched the news about the olympic torch and london. People were trying too put it out and grab for it etc. All i can say is yay, go for it. Good that somebody has the balls too speak out and take action.
Personally im gonna boycott the whole thing and think the rest of the world should do the same. Feels abit too much like Berlin 1936 too be honest.
Rooting for 2020 olympics in north korea :p
Personally im gonna boycott the whole thing and think the rest of the world should do the same. Feels abit too much like Berlin 1936 too be honest.
Rooting for 2020 olympics in north korea :p
lördag, april 5
Sci Fi convention
Soo Helen and me drove down too malmo today too enjoy the sci fi convention. Always fun too check out. I consider my self something of a nerd herder myself but some of the livers are abit much. Anyways lots of star wars, star trek, wow and lorenzo lamas. Cant believe some are willing too pay 15bucks for a photo of him but hey whatever turns you on. I myself bought a figure of Illidan Stormrage (World Of Warcraft) and Ash (from army of darkness, one favo movie). They now stand ontop of my computer desk.
We then went too Pizza Hut too eat garlic bread and Bacon barbecue Pizza. YUMMIE!!!! Its a good thing that Pizza hut doesent have a restaurant in Helsingborg.
Ps left one is Illidan and right one is Ash
Fuck, been spending my morning fixing our network. Keep getting dc:s in wow. Not that fun when we are trying todo arena matches. Went straight too hell.
Bah fuck it, now helen and me are going too sci-fi convention in malmo. Adios
Bah fuck it, now helen and me are going too sci-fi convention in malmo. Adios
fredag, april 4

Ive been thinking about tv-shows lately, mainly due too the lack of ones since the strike. There are really good ones like californication, jericho (rest in peace) etc. There are entertaining ones like stargate (sg1 and atlantis), terminator. And then theres the ultra bad ones like CSI: Miami.
The problem is that i cant stop watching miami, i know it sucks, the supah stereotypes, medical examiners with highheals and make-up. Supermodel crimefighters solving stupid crimes.
But two things annoys me more than anything. The programs they are using. They take like a 0.5megapixel picture, run it through some uber filters and voila they can see reflections in the eyeballs, pickup fingerprints and whatnot. I WANT THOOSE PROGRAMS DAMMIT!!!!!!
And then there is david caruso, a shittier actor is hard too find. Always striking a pose with his sunglasses while spitting out some cool cheesy line. Oh and hes an expert marksman.
And why the hell do they never ever fail?? I dont think i ever seen an episode where they fail too solve the case.
Anyways, the questions is: Whats the attraction? Why do i even bother?? I dont know. Maybe i need professional help. Help me understand, this is keeping me up at night.
Damn my Conscience

Soo i finished my new quad comp today, its a real beauty and i love it but Helen has been nagging that she needs it more than me and of course she is right. I cant with good conscience take it soo ive decided too give it too her. (cant believe im writing this).
Hopefully this will give her an edge with work. Big upgrade from her pentium4 3ghz.
New comp:
Intel Q6600 Quadcore processor
3gb 800 ddr2 mem
500gb harddrive
Nvidia 8600gt (yeah i know its not the best but i decided too wait until 9000 series was cheaper)
All wrapped up in an Antec P182 black chassis
Nice Lunch
torsdag, april 3

Woke up this morning with the mother of all headaches. Head pounding, could hardly see. Called in sick and swallowed every imaginable painkillers and went of too bed. Now im feeling pretty ok.
Been having theese headaches on and off since i started my diet. I guess 12kilos in two months comes with a price. And NO its not dehydration.
Gonna have too drag my sorry ass too buy some Snus (swedish snuff)
onsdag, april 2
Crappy day turned pretty good
Soo i came home from work and was pissed, opened up my mail and there it was, like a shiny golden gem. My Beta key for age of conan. Only techical beta but hey atleast i can try it out. Time too celebrate with hotdogs and por... i mean tv :p
Age of conan is a new MMORPG thats hopefully gonna kick some wow ass.
Crappy day
Piece of shit day.. This whole day has ment nothing but problems and annoying people. Spent my whole day fixing moronic hp laserjets and dealing with coworkers with annoying questions they should allready know the answer too or they shouldnt be working here.
Most annoying? People who cant take a subtle hint that i want too be left alone! You would think a simple "fuck off" would do the trick but noooooooooo.
Cant wait too get home for some relaxing world of warcraft time. Less QQ more pew pew
Most annoying? People who cant take a subtle hint that i want too be left alone! You would think a simple "fuck off" would do the trick but noooooooooo.
Cant wait too get home for some relaxing world of warcraft time. Less QQ more pew pew

makes me happy. I know i dont need it but hey it would be awsome at my appartment entrance. Annoyed with all the cables this would help me alot. Too bad my girlfriend isnt on the same page :p
Found this at my favourite homepage
Alot of cool stuff you can never afford
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