Soo i just saw Iron Man, If you want too brand a movie "Mattias Approved" then Iron Man is your Blueprint of what a movie needs too be too get approved. Im kinda amazed and in a good way.
The movie have a feeling throughout that i really like. Fast paced but not too fast, amazing special effects but not too much, Humor too my liking, Gadgets and pew pews. I cant really demand more.
Important too remember is that this is the first Iron Man movie and has alot too explain, usually they rush trough it too get too the action but iron man takes its time. Im sure some of the younger viewers think its slow but the older generation (us thats 30+) are going too love it.
Im wishing for more Iron Man movies and im sure its gonna be a whole series.
I gotta say that i love Robert Downey jr in this, cant think of anybody else that can do a better Stark
Rating: 9,5/10
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