måndag, april 7

No more mr torch

Just got the news that the olympic flame has been extinguished. Theres a small voice inside of me going "hi hi hi hi hi"
Not only the tibet issue but the constant pissing on human rights is why i have a problem with china.
People say that athletics and politics shouldnt be mixed, all i can say is wake up and smell the coffee. The olympics right now is nothing more than a propaganda machine too show how great china is. That IOK even gave them the olympics in the first place is a huge FUCK YOU too human rights.
I got the utmost respect for the people taking a side against china or any morality issue for that matter

1 kommentar:

Element Five sa...

Moaha must be terrorists!!! Well well throw that damn torch in the water and bring the Olympics back to Greece were it belongs and never should have left!